YEAR0001 · ESP — Formation



If I had a heart, it would beat for you.

Facial recognition system

Analyzing visitor's behaviour... Machine learning applied.

Echo story

The Echo Project was initiated by Overwatch scientist Doctor Mina Liao, who firmly held belief in the potential artificial life and its power to transform the lives of humanity.
 Despite restrictions on artificial intelligence research and development, Liao had programmed Echo with a powerful, general artificial intelligence that learned by observation. After thousands of hours in the scientist's presence, much of Liao’s behaviors (including her speech), were adopted by the Echo robot.

 Echo's ability to modify her behaviors, reconfigured herself, and learn from those around her made her the ultimate mission aide and a potential liability, as her sentience developed and she began to question her place in the world.

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General info

  • The most advanced piece of technology in the setting
  • Created in Switzerland, currently located at Watchpoint: Gibraltar
  • Damage-oriented hero
  • Original concept name — Iris
  • Age: 14 (5 Feb)

Dr. Mina Liao, The Creator

Command Prompt
Engaging thrusters...
Focal point: locked...
Adaptive circuits engaged...
Reversing personality module...
Reverting personality.
Echo online.

Buttons & Fanlistings

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