Nana Osaki (大崎 ナナ) is a lead singer of "Black Stones", born March 5, 1981. Her love for performing is expressed through high expression and full dedication while singing, making her one of the main factors in the group's success.
 Abandoned by her mother at a young age and raised by her grandmother, Nana's life took a challenging turn when she was later expelled from high school due to false accusations of prostitution. These experiences shaped her audacious goth-punk appearance, concealing a sensitive kind heart beneath the surface.
 Nana often displays possessive traits, regularly being jealous of her friends and striving to maintain control over them. This behavior stems from her childhood trauma, which leaves her haunted by the fear of being alone again. It’s hard for her to survive parting with a loved one, so she values and cares for those close to her.
 Surrounded by true friends, Nana becomes the vocalist of the band "Blast" and pursues her ultimate dream of taking the big stage, determined to surpass the success of "Trapnest".
Nobuo Terashima (寺島伸夫), commonly known as Nobu, is the guitarist of Blast born on January 23, 1981. He was the first person to recognize Nana's deep emotional wounds and reached out to befriend her. Discovering their shared passion for music, Nobu invites Nana to become the vocalist for his punk-rock band.
 Nobu known as a very friendly, optimistic and kind person, willing to stand up for people he cares for and for what he believes is right. He not only initiated Nana's career and introduced her to the love of her life, but also helped restart the group after moving to Tokyo, which proves his loyalty and kindness. Despite so many great traits, he remains a hopeless romantic. He has great flexibility and understanding of the weaknesses of others, which sometimes makes him look like a weakling to others.
 In Blast, Nobu takes on the role of songwriter, putting his heart and soul into writing the lines. "Blast" for Nobu isn't just a group: it is a family and a life purpose for which he exchanged the family hotel business in his hometown.
Shinichi Okazaki (岡崎 真), also known as Shin, was born on November 1st, 1985. He became a bassist of Black Stones at only 15 years of age, but it did not stop him from being an important part of the group.
 Shin was born in Sweden and speaks British English with a Swedish accent. Tragically, his mother committed suicide shortly after his birth, leaving him to be raised by stepfather. However, his new family never showed him any warmth or affection. Devoided of parental love, Shin runs away from home and engages in male prostitution.
 Due to these events, Shin is quite cold in communication, but thanks to Blast, he has found loyal and caring friends who look after and educate him. Shin is a good-natured and caring individual, has a bit of a sarcastic sense of humor and seems to have a carefree attitude about most things in life.
 The name Shinichi means ''truth, reality, genuine'' (真) (shin) and ''one, alone'' (一) (ichi).
Yasushi Takagi (高木 泰士), commonly known by nickname Yasu, is a drummer of Black Stones group, born in April, 1977.
 Yasu has always been the most reasonable and sensible member of the group, which is why he is trusted with the group's business affairs. In addition to this, Yasu studied to become a lawyer and even did an internship, but left his career for Blast's debut. His serious appearance absolutely matches his character: a strict office suit emphasizes his affiliation with the legal profession, and shades perfectly complement his graceful bald head.
  As a person, Yasu stood out as the most selfless, mature, and thoughtful, consistently placing others before himself. For all group members, Yasu became a loyal friend and reliable mentor, someone who often offered a comforting shoulder to cry on. He is especially important for Nana, as he many times helped her out of difficult life situations and supported her in tough times.
 The name Yasushi means ''peace, calm'' (泰) (yasu) and ''warrior, gentleman'' (士) (shi) .