Black Stones (also known as Blast) is a Japanese punk-rock band that originated in the small town of Meguro in 1997 before eventually settling in Tokyo. Drawing inspiration from the Sex Pistols, the extravagant fashion of Vivienne Westwood, and their own gritty life experiences, Blast captivated audience from the very first performances. Their striking, often provocative appearances and well-executed, catchy songs quickly won a devoted following.
After getting noticed by a label, Blast embarked on the path toward a greater success. They had to face the yellow journalism, overcome scandalous accusations and finally get on the big stage.
Black Stones debuted on October 31, 2001 with their first single «Blast!» gaining huge popularity by making sincere, relatable music in opposition to lifeless pop-songs.
In 2002 they followed up with their first album, «Black spot».